Return and Exchange Policy

To enhance your shopping experience, Cottea offers free returns/exchanges within 7 days of receiving the product. If you are not satisfied with your product, please contact our customer service to submit a request:

Return Policy

Condition Details
📅 Request Period Submit a return request within 7 days of receiving the product.
📦 Packaging Requirements Keep the product in its original packaging.
💸 Shipping Costs The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs.

Refund Process

  1. 🔄 Submit Request: Contact us within 7 days to submit a return request.
  2. 📦 Return Product: Send the product and original packaging back to our designated address.
  3. Process Refund: Refund will be processed on the day we receive the returned product.
  4. 📧 Notify Customer: You will receive an email or SMS notification regarding the refund.
  5. Refund Time: Refunds will be credited to your credit card within 3-7 business days (exact time depends on the credit card company).

Exchange Policy

Condition Details
📅 Request Period Submit an exchange request within 7 days of receiving the product.
📦 Packaging Requirements Keep the product in its original packaging.
💸 Shipping Costs The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs.

Exchange Process

  1. 🔄 Submit Request: Contact us within 7 days to submit an exchange request.
  2. 📦 Return Product: Send the product and original packaging back to our designated address.
  3. 🚚 Ship New Product: The new product will be shipped within 1-2 days after we receive the returned product.
  4. 💸 Shipping Costs: The shipping cost for the new product will be covered by us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service. We look forward to providing you with better service!